Purple Soup for Romance

butterfly Serves: 4-6

Written By Eydie Desser


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My garden is full of royal purple colored snow peas, and a couple of purple cauliflower heads. Have you ever seen them?  They are absolutely exquisite. These beauties  inspired me to make purple soup! What other vegetable is purple? Cabbage! The trifecta was simmering in my mind.  Red onions, ginger and a spicy broth enhance the flavor of these 3 purple vegetables making  this soup quite delightful and delicious. Why do we say this soup is for romance?  Purple means a relationship has much spiritual depth and high status! Hmm, who will you entertain with this soup?  Do tell in the comments, please!


  • 1 large red onion, or 2 small  (12 oz), peeled and thinly sliced
  • 3-4 garlic cloves, peeled and minced. (1-1/2 tablespoons) medium sized cloves)
  • 1 tablespoon peeled and ginger root
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, or more to taste 
  • 2 cups shredded purple cabbage 
  • 2 cups purple cauliflower florets
  • 5-6 ounces purple or green snow peas, strings removed, chopped (divided) (1 cup)
  • 4 cups Spicy Vegetable stock, or low sodium veggie stock
  • 2 tablespoons  Balsamic Vinegar
  • fresh lemon juice, to taste
  • pinch of salt just before serving (optional)


Make the Soup:
  1. Place a 5-quart dutch oven over medium high heat for 2 minutes.  Add the onions and quickly sautè for a minute or two or until they start to soften. Turn down the heat to medium low and cover the pot for 2 minutes.  Remove the cover, add the garlic and ginger, and stir to combine.  Add freshly ground black pepper, and keep stirring until the onions are translucent, adding a little water if the vegetables start to stick to the pot. 
  2. Add cabbage and cauliflower florets, ½ cup snow peas (reserving the other ½ for finishing the soup),  and the vegetable stock.  Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes or until the cauliflower is very tender.
  3. While the soup is simmering, blanch the reserved ½ cup of snow peas. Place the snow peas in simmering water for 30 seconds..  Remove and pour into ice cold water. Drain the snow peas and dice into small pieces.
Finish the Soup:

Carefully ladle the soup into the container of a high speed blender.  Add balsamic vinegar.  Place a dry towel on top of the cover and press down with your hand, to prevent hot soup from spewing out.  Blend, starting on low, then slowly increasing speed, and blend until smooth. Taste the soup, adding more balsamic vinegar if needed.

To Serve:

Ladle the soup into individual bowls, squeeze 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, or, more to taste. The lemon juice should satisfy the desire for salt.  Give the soup a taste, and if needed, add a pinch of salt, That’s all you’ll need!   Garnish with a sprinkling of diced snow peas.

butterfly Cook's Notes:
  1. If using store bought vegetable broth:  add a red chile pepper, sliced lengthwise, and simmer in the stock for 10 minutes. Remove the pepper. This gives the soup the spice “kick” the purple vegetables love.
  2. Health Benefit: Did you know that purple fruits and vegetables contain the chemical, anthocyanin, that packs a nutritional punch, which  protects our cells from free radical damage.  An added benefit–it’s anti-aging and makes our skin glow!!! 

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