Blood Orange Salad with Young Basil and Microgreens

butterfly Serves: 4

Written By Eydie Desser


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Blood oranges are like the sunset to me!  The colors go from bright orange, to reddish orange and then to a super dark red color…sometimes all in the same orange!  The dark flesh color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a family of polyphenol pigments, usually uncommon in citrus fruits.  Anthocyanins are anti-inflammatory and help prevent cancer, bacterial infections, diabetes and reduce the risk of heart disease.


This is a super healthy, age defying salad, and easy and quick to make!  Delicious and refreshing– this dish is a perfect summer party salad—one you’ll crave again and again! 


  • 4 blood oranges
  • ¼ small red onion, peeled, cut in half and sliced paper thin
  • big handful of baby basil leaves - or larger ones, torn
  • Sprouts:  broccoli, radish, or alfalfa


Make the Salad:

Peel the oranges: Using a very sharp knife, slice off ¼-inch from the top and bottom of the orange.  Turn on its end and slice the skin off from the top of the orange and around to the bottom, peeling all the skin and bitter pith. Turn the oranges on their side and slice very thinly into ¼” round slices. 

To Serve:

Arrange the orange slices creatively on a pretty plate.  Top with thinly sliced red onion and place tiny basil leaves (or torn large basil) generously over the orange slices.  The more basil, the better–it’s a delicious combination.  Garnish with a mound of sprouts.

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